All accepted abstracts will be included in the conference proceeding CD which will be available at the conference.
Some presented papers will be elected by the International Scientific Committee for publication. The elected papers after peer-reviewed will be published in a special issue of the following Journal:
International Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Advanced Science, Engineering and Medicine
International Journal of Green Nanotechnology
The chosen papers on Carbon Materials will be published in the Springer ISI Book series " Carbon Materials: Chemistry and Physics (CMCP)
Some presented papers will be elected by the International Scientific Committee for publication. The elected papers after peer-reviewed will be published in a special issue of the following Journal:
International Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Advanced Science, Engineering and Medicine
International Journal of Green Nanotechnology
The chosen papers on Carbon Materials will be published in the Springer ISI Book series " Carbon Materials: Chemistry and Physics (CMCP)