Professor Ali Beitollahi
School of Metallurgy and Materials Eng. , Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Tehran, Iran.

Professor Claus-Michael Lehr
Head, Dept. of Drug Delivery (DDEL)
Helmholtz-Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland (HIPS),
Saarland University, Germany

Professor Kattesh V. Katti
University of Missouri Cancer Nanotechnology Platform
Columbia, Missouri, USA

Professor Mircea V. Diudea
Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Babes-Bolyai University, Romania

Professor A. Omri
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Laurentian University, Ontario, Canada

Professor Istvan Laszlo
Department of Theoretical Physics,
Institute of Physics,
Budapest University of Technology and Economi

Prof. Ahmad Fauzi Ismail
Faculty of Petroleum and Renewable Energy Engineering, and Advanced Membrane Technology Research Center (AMTEC),
University Technology Malaysia

Prof. Padmakar V Khadikar
Dept. of Chemistry, IPS Academy, Indore-452010, MP, India
